Tuesday 13 November 2012


We've been learning about electricity. We found out how to make a complete circuit and how to incorporate a switch. We thought that the best way to show how this works would be to construct a lighthouse and put a duck or a boat in mortal peril. The girls explain how this works...
Kelsey and Nikki get the background of their lighthouse ready

Alana and Bernadette prepare their lighthouse

Wiktoria feeds the wire through a hole made in the top of the Pringle's tin

Tomi starts work on her circuit

Daniele and Kalin figure out the length of wire needed

Wire strippers are needed to pare back the plastic coating on the wire

Hannah and Julianna are a picture of concentration as they work on their circuit

With the lighthouse operational, it's time to work on the display.

Tomi is delighted that her circuit is working.

Something's missing...

Almost there!

The switch and circuit work, this duck's life depended on it!

This boat will never know how close it came to being shipwrecked

Finishing touches

Another lucky duck!

Shaunna to the rescue!

Who's in more danger from this potential collision, the island or the duck?!

It's okay people, this boat is safe!

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