Wednesday, 27 February 2013

The Life Cycle Of A Fly

Mr.Arkins provides us with the raw materials; plastic cups, rubber gloves, labels, tinfoil, rubber bands and of course, maggots.

Maggots are the second stage of the fly's life-cycle, the larva stage. They can remain in this stage for 4-10 days

It's now time for us to get stuck in!

We put on our gloves and take maggots for our containers

Some are braver than, not the maggots!

Once are maggots are collected....

....we provide them with some food....

...then we will cover them with tinfoil..

...which we poke holes in to provide air...

...We label who they belong to and the date the experiment began...

....and then we will seal the tinfoil with a rubber band to make sure they can't escape.

We leave them on the radiator next to the window (maggots like a nice warm environment)...

...and then we wait. We observe and record any changes every day as they gradually change to the next stage; Fly pupa. Keep an eye on the blog for updates
Great News!! Just as we were about to give up....

....we'd even written their obituaries in our science copies...

...after 23 days of an experiment!

There was life!! There's no flies on us! Get it? No flies on...nevermind